



Through our Insurance Review process, we will provide you with a tool that will walk you through a series of questions to help us create an insurance analysis for your family. Once completed, we then schedule a 1-hour planning session where we will walk you through the analysis of your life and/or long-term disability income insurance to help ensure your coverage fits your family needs today.


Many people feel like they are the only ones who don’t have it all together. Over 2 meetings with one of our planning specialists, this process is designed to help make sure you do. In our Discovery Meeting we will find out exactly what you have in the areas of CashFlow and an Emergency Fund; Home and Auto Insurance; Long Term Disability Income Insurance; Wills/Trusts; and Life Insurance. Discussing your goals and your present financial picture, we will then run our analysis and help determine what if any gaps or issues exist. In our Recommendation Meeting we will then provide you with the insight to begin checking each item off the list, confirming that you have everything organized and in place. Establishing a solid financial foundation for you and your family.